
CR and HLR – sporting rifles from Haenel

The semi-automatic rifles of the Haenel CR series have quickly become very popular with sport shooters. Sure, because what is good for many police forces and authorities can only be right for sport shooters. The leading CR models from Haenel are ideal sporting rifles for the dynamic course competitions of the IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation). They are available in four caliber variants with different barrel lengths and with many interfaces, which are of course compatible with commercially available AR-15 attachments. This allows the shooter to adapt his or her weapon ideally to his or her needs, handling and habits. An important detail: the in-house barrel production in Suhl produces cold-forged precision barrels – ideal for sporting demands as well.

The precision rifles of the Haenel HLR serie enjoy great popularity in sporting long-range shooting. They are lighter variants of the RS precision rifles and equipped with many professional features. A wide range of calibers makes this rifle attractive for individual requirements.

The Haenel sports world

Redefines the entry-level class in precision shooting

Haenel LR/ONE →

The semi-automatic rifle for precision shooters

Haenel HMR308 →

Voll kompatibel zu den Basics: Die Haenel CR223

Sport shooting with the semi-automatic

Haenel CR Series →

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Precision rifles for sporting long range shooting

Haenel HLR series →

In sporting competition

CR223 for sport shooters →

Distributed by Haenel – made in Switzerland

The B&T product range →

News from Haenel


Novelty: Semi-automatic rifle HMR308


Novelty: LR/ONE precision bolt-action


New: JAEGER NXT COMPOSITE now available

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